Psalm 100
“Joy is the secret weapon of advent.”
In the season of advent, we spend time both remembering Jesus’s first coming to this earth as a baby, and we anticipate His second coming when He will return and make all things new.
I don’t know where you find yourself on the joy spectrum this Christmas. Can I remind you that your King left heaven and came down to earth to step into your story and make way into your mess. He traded his crown for the cross, for you and for me. This is good news! For this we should rejoice!
What would it look like for you to allow the joy of the gospel to be so alive in you this Christmas that you can’t help but sing?
This season, we can choose to be joyful regardless of our circumstances or surroundings because we know the end of the story. We know that in the end our God reigns! Our King has not only come, but He’s coming again. He is King on a manger throne.
And so may this truth lead you to “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!” (Psalm 100:4) Lift up shouts of praise and sing joyful songs to the Lord this Christmas, for our God is great and He is greatly to be praised.
- Baylee Dulmage