1 Peter 1:8-9
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of the things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith is more than intellectually agreeing with a list of facts. There is a heartfelt assurance and hopefulness that’s present when a person has faith in God’s promises. Our faith in Jesus enters us into a relationship with Him—a hopeful, joy-filled, glorious relationship with Him that’s far better than a dull list of theological affirmations.
Our newfound relationship with Jesus is often compared to a bride’s relationship with her groom. Her groom proposes to her and gives her an engagement ring as a promise that he will marry her in the future. She joyfully celebrates the anticipation of her wedding day. On her wedding day, wearing a spotless white dress, she finally meets her groom, and he brings the engagement to its final outcome—their marriage.
We are the bride; Jesus is the Groom. Jesus proposed to us when He gave Himself up for us. He gave us the Holy Spirit as an engagement ring—a promise that He will return in all His glory to be united with us once again. In the meantime, we wait as described in 1 Peter 1:8-9: though we do not see Him, we love Him, and we rejoice with inexpressible joy for that day when we will finally marry our Groom—Jesus.
On that day, He will meet His bride, who has been made white and spotless by His blood, and He will bring the engagement to its ultimate fulfillment—the salvation of our souls.
- Dane Bateman