Genesis 22

February 23, 2025

Sunday Recap

Sunday Recap •

Hey Fams!

In Genesis 22, we read how God tested Abraham and led him to place an awe-inspiring trust in the faithful God over all creation. Abraham revealed a faith in God which reflected the trustworthiness of His character and promises. In today’s story of Abraham and Isaac, we learn what it looks like to entrust everything to God and to believe He is worthy of our ultimate obedience.

What role does worship play in today’s passage? How do we see God’s faithfulness depicted from Genesis 22 throughout the rest of Scripture?

God called Abraham to offer up his only son as a sacrifice. Abraham’s response to what seemed like such an outlandish command from God was to get up early and begin his journey to the unknown place God would reveal to him. In verse 5, we see the first use of the Hebrew word for “worship” in the Bible, spoken in reference to the sacrificial offering Abraham was willing to lay down before his God.

When Isaac inquired about the lamb for the offering, Abraham replied, “God himself will provide.” Though, logically, the death of Abraham’s son would make God's promises impossible, God would faithfully provide the ram they needed, and make good on His promises to bless Abraham through his only son.

Hebrews 11:19 states that Abraham “considered God to be able even to raise someone from the dead.” Abraham’s faith-filled obedience demonstrated that God could be trusted in any circumstance. With each new command he received from God, his response was to obey. He did not shrink back or busy himself with the lesser concerns of the world because God had proven Himself faithful over and over.

Abraham’s deep love for his one and only son points us to the greater love God has for His Son, Jesus. Though this story tells of one man’s obedient willingness to give back to God his most prized gift, we can know that God’s love for His own Son reveals His great love for us as His people. Pray that God would reveal this same love to your children and that they, too, would be willing to offer back to Him their lives as living sacrifices of worship.

** Next week: A Wife for Isaac (Genesis 24–25)

This Week's Main Ideas

This Week's Main Ideas •

  • Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand God’s plan.


    • God loves us and gave His Son, Jesus, to save the world from sin.


    • Abraham was willing to give up his son, but God provided a ram instead. God was willing to give His Son for us. Jesus died and rose again so we can have forgiveness and life with God forever.


    • Abraham was willing to give his only son for God, but God provided another way. God was willing to give His only Son for us. Jesus knew there was no other way to save God’s people, so He died and rose again to provide them with forgiveness and life with God forever.

  • Q: Does God keep His promises?

    A: Yes, God always keeps His promises because He is faithful.


    The LORD is good, and His love lasts forever. Psalm 100:5


    The Lord is good. His faithful love continues forever.  It will last for all time to come. Psalm 100:5

Family Discipleship Activities

Family Discipleship Activities •

  • Read all or parts of Genesis 22:1-19 from the Bible

  • Do you have a favorite toy or stuffed animal that you would never want to give away?

    Parents, do you have a favorite item—cellphone, a piece of jewelry, photos—that you would never want to lose or be without? What if God asked you to give up that special item and never play with or use it again? We can all thank God for giving us the things that we love, but I imagine we would be upset if He asked us to give up something so valuable or special.

    That’s why the trust and obedience of Abraham are even more remarkable. When God tested Abraham’s love, Abraham was faithful to do what God said—even the unthinkable assignment of sacrificing his son. Even in such a hard moment, Abraham trusted and obeyed God.

    Abraham led Isaac up the mountain toward the place where the sacrifice would be made. As Abraham prepared to do what God had asked Him to do, he was suddenly stopped by the angel of the Lord and saw that God had provided a ram to sacrifice instead of his son, Isaac.

    Abraham’s obedience showed how much he loved God, but God shows us an even greater love by sending His Son to die for us. Like the ram that God provided to save Isaac’s life, God provided Jesus to save sinners like us. God sent His only Son to be our substitute and die in our place. When we believe in Jesus and what He has done for us, we receive forgiveness and eternal life through Him.

    Abraham was willing to give his only son for God, but God provided another way. God was willing to give His only Son for us. Jesus knew there was no other way to save God’s people, so He died and rose again to provide them with forgiveness and life with God forever.

    Pray: God, we thank You for loving us enough to give Your Son to save us. Because You love us, we want to show our love by trusting and obeying. Help us obey You so that others can see how much we love You and how much You have loved us. Amen.


    The LORD is good, and His love lasts forever. Psalm 100:5


    The Lord is good. His faithful love continues forever.  It will last for all time to come. Psalm 100:5

  • Mornings

    Ask God to help you obey Him and those He has put in charge. How does God’s love motivate me to obey? How does obedience show my love for God and others?


    Pray for help and wisdom to know how God is calling you to share Jesus with others. Who is God leading me to share Jesus with this week? Am I willing to say “yes” when God calls?

  • For Fun

    Take your family on a hike. As you hike, take the time to talk about the story of Abraham and Isaac. Ask children to describe what they would’ve been feeling if they were Abraham or Isaac.

    How did Abraham trust God in such a hard situation?

    Take a moment to give thanks for Jesus’ sacrifice and His willingness to die in your place.

    To Serve

    Make a list of people who need to hear about Jesus. Talk about when and how you can share the message of Jesus with them Even though it may be awkward or scary, plan at least one way you can share the gospel this week with a person on the list.


Genesis 24:1–25:18


Genesis 12; 15; 17