Genesis 4
January 19, 2025
Sunday Recap
Sunday Recap •
Hey Fams!
Today in Elevate Kids we walked through Genesis 4 and how it offers insight into the first family in history— showcasing the deathly reality of sin and merciful nature of God. Here, we read of Abel’s blood that was wrongfully shed, which cried out for condemnation. In contrast, however, the gospel speaks of a different firstborn Son whose blood provides everlasting life to us instead.
How does Cain’s life differ from Eve’s expectations for her firstborn son?
What can we learn about sin, sacrifice, and the God who is worthy of worship?
Brothers Cain and Abel both offered sacrifices to God, but the former’s offering wasn’t truly a sacrifice—pleasing to God and reflective of His true worth. God spoke directly to Cain asking him to consider why he felt so rejected by His response to the offering. God also warned him that though sin’s temptations were strong, he could rule over it. Yet Cain did not heed the words of his Creator. Instead, he chose destruction and would soon end his own brother’s life.
God drew near to Cain and addressed his wrongdoings, acknowledging the unjust death of the righteous Abel. God told Cain that he was now cursed. As a result, Cain would not receive back from the earth the fruit of his labors and would wander for the rest of his days. Even still, God protected Cain from the fate he forced upon his brother; he received protection against the threat of death by another’s hands. However, this act was only a glimmer of God’s mercy toward sinners. The greatest picture we see of His mercy is in Jesus’ blood shed at the cross, the ultimate offering to satisfy God’s wrath toward our unrighteousness.
Reflect on the Jesus’ righteousness in light of the unrighteousness of Cain, Adam and Eve, and the rest of mankind. The promised descendant who would redeem us amidst our sin wasn’t Eve’s firstborn son, but Jesus, the firstborn of all creation. God’s plan has always been to redeem us through faith in His Son. Pray that your kids hearts will be opened to the mercy of their Creator who leads us away from destruction and into everlasting life.
** Next week: The Great Flood (Genesis 6–9)
This Week's Main Ideas
This Week's Main Ideas •
Sin separates us from God.
Jesus came from Adam and Eve’s family to save people from sin.
God had promised that someone from Eve’s family would put an end to sin and death. Cain was not that person. As families grew and sin spread, people waited for God to keep His promise. At just the right time, God would send His Son, Jesus, to save sinners.
God had promised that one of Eve’s descendants would put an end to sin and death. Cain was not that descendant. He was sinful like his parents, Adam and Eve. As families grew and sin spread, people waited for God to keep His promise. At just the right time, God would send His Son, Jesus, to save sinners.
Q: Who is God?
A: God is our Creator and the King of everything.
The earth is full of God’s creatures. Psalm 104:24
How countless are your works, LORD! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24
Family Discipleship Activities
Family Discipleship Activities •
Read all or parts of Genesis 4:1-16,25-26 from the Bible
Before you were born, your parents gave you the gift of genes. But not the kind of jeans you wear. Genes are the parts of our DNA that determine things like hair color, eye color, height, or whether we’ll be allergic to cats! You got half of your 20,000 genes from your mother and the other half from your father, and that’s why you look a lot like them.
When Adam and Eve had children, they passed down more than just looks. Adam and Eve passed down their sin and all the consequences to their children. It didn’t take long for the effect of sin to be seen in the lives of their sons, Cain and Abel.
As the two boys gave offerings to God, God showed favor to Abel’s sacrifice. The sin in Cain caused him to become furious. God had not responded the way Cain thought or wanted God to respond. God warned Cain to not let the power of sin rule over him, but sin continued to have power over Cain. Just as sin had caused his parents to blame one another in the garden, Cain became jealous of Abel and turned his anger towards his brother. The anger grew until Cain attacked and killed Abel.
Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” When sin rules, as it did in Cain, the consequence is death. But God has provided salvation through Jesus. The power of sin has been broken for all who believe in His death and resurrection. When Christ rules, the gift is eternal life!
God had promised that one of Eve’s descendants would put an end to sin and death. Cain was not that descendant. He was sinful like his parents, Adam and Eve. As families grew and sin spread, people waited for God to keep His promise. At just the right time, God would send His Son, Jesus, to save sinners.
Pray: God, thank You for remembering Your promise to send a Savior. Give us strength to live in a world broken by sin, and help us to believe in Jesus so that we can experience eternal life with You. Amen.
The earth is full of God’s creatures. Psalm 104:24
How countless are your works, LORD! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24
Thank God for your family—parents and siblings. How can things in your home tempt you to sin? How is Jesus the rescuer you need?
Ask God to help you battle the sin of jealousy or comparing yourself to others. How can comparison lead us to sin? How are we loved and accepted by Jesus’ work instead of our own?
For Fun
Compare baby pictures of each family member. Talk about the way kids may resemble their parents or the ways siblings may resemble each other. Remind kids that the sin of Adam and Eve has been passed on to every generation—including your family, but Jesus’ death and resurrection have made eternal life available to anyone who believes in Him!
To Serve
Explain the concept of tithes and offerings to your kids. Allow them to participate in however your family gives to your church and invite them to also give. Talk about the offerings of Cain and Abel. Remind kids that God wants us to give with a cheerful and grateful heart as an act of worship.