We have a great opportunity to serve the refugee community in Clarkston with our partners at Friday Night Light.
Join us in purchasing backpacks and filling them with supplies as we help to send these students back to school in the fall.
These backpacks are for Middle and High School Students.
Please bring backpacks to Church with you for drop-off this Sunday, July 28th.
Backpack Packing List:
**Due to school policy, all backpacks must be clear/see through.
See examples: Amazon Backpack / Walmart Backpack
Purchase *CLEAR / See-through Backpack(s) and fill them with these items:
Backpacks (must be clear)
Pencil pouch
Blue or black ballpoint pens
No. 2 pencils
Pencil sharpeners
Permanent markers
Three-ring binder
Three-hole punch
Loose-leaf paper or spiral notebooks
Graph paper
Graphing calculator
Combination lock
Book covers
Lunchbox or bag
Plastic folders
Subject dividers
Index cards
Bring filled bags to Elevate City Church on Sundays and drop off in lobby.
Feel free to email Dane with any questions.