There are so few things in life that we can rely on. We may feel like we can rely on our family, until relational turmoil rocks our world, and our “normal” isn’t so normal anymore. We may feel like we can rely on our job, until corporate cuts mean that we lose that position that we love. We may feel like we can rely on our money or our physical health, until a medical condition costs us our savings. But Paul closes chapter 6 of Hebrews with the following words: “We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.”
The only thing we can have as a “sure and steadfast anchor of our souls,” is the fact that God always fulfills His promises. If you look back a few verses, you can see that Paul says that “it is impossible for God to lie.” While everything else in this world has the potential to lie to us, God never does. We have “a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,” which is the holy of holies. For centuries, only high priests were allowed to enter the holy of holies, the place where they could experience God’s presence. Not only was that invitation only extended to the high priests, they could only enter the holy of holies once a year. But God, sending His son to go “as a forerunner on our behalf,” allows Jesus to set the example for what we are now able to do: confidently draw near to God. Jesus’ birth leads to Jesus’ death, which leads to our ability to draw near to our loving Father. We can have a sure and steadfast anchor for our soul in His promise to draw near to us and meet us there
- Haleigh