Unwavering. Loyal. All-Consuming. Steadfast.
To experience the love of our Savior is to know His goodness. His love is sweeter than honey that nourishes your soul. It satisfies hunger. It quenches thirst. It overwhelms fear. It suffocates the enemy. It drives out darkness. It is not conditional, fleeting, or temporary. His love is steadfast.
The Hebrew word for steadfast is chesed which means “loyal love.” Throughout Psalm 86, David writes of God’s steadfast love. “For great is your steadfast love toward me…”and “For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.”
This Advent season, are you sitting in and receiving God’s steadfast love toward you? Are you remembering that God loves you so much that He freely gave his only son as ransom for you? Are you reminding yourself that his love is loyal-not dependent on anything that you could do to earn it or deserve it? The arrival of Jesus is such a beautiful picture of God’s steadfast love toward us. God’s loyalty in his love for us surpassed his royalty when King Jesus left his throne to be made flesh to save the world. Unwavering. Loyal. All-consuming. Steadfast.
Thank you, God, for your loyalty in loving us.
- Jess