So, who would you die for? (Merry Christmas everyone!) Romans 5:6-11 may seem like an odd scripture to focus on during the Christmas season, but if any section of the Bible should fill you with unending joy, it’s this one.
Paul writes that “while we were still weak, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.” He comes at the right time. Galatians 4:4 says that “when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son.” God’s plan, His timing, is always perfect. Throughout our lives, and especially as the end of one year and the dawn of another come, we may become doubtful of that truth. We may be impatient for the next job, the next relationship, the next raise, the baby, the acceptance letter, but He works at His own pace. Let the Christmas story this year remind you that His arrival may not come on your timeline, but His pace is the pace we want to run at.
Not only did He come at the right time according to His perfect plan, but He came at the right time for us, As Paul writes, “one will scarcely die for a righteous person,” but our God, the King of the Universe, loves you and I enough to die for us, even prior to our sanctification. His children who consistently turn away from Him, who seek perfection rather than connection, He chose to die for those people. For us.
This Christmas season, be sure to remind yourself of God’s perfect timing. Recenter your heart on being thankful for where you are, what you have, and the way God is currently working through you. Remind yourself of His perfect timing, not just in the direction of your life, but in the rescue of your soul. The Savior you didn’t know you needed came to this broken world to meet you in the muck and mire you’d dug yourself into, and offered His Son on a cross to pull you out. Remind yourself that He has always been Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness) always and forever. Yes and Amen.
- Haleigh