Mary has just been met with the wildly unexpected. The news that she is miraculously carrying not only a child as a virgin but that the child she is carrying is the Savior of the world.
In Luke 1:39-45, she goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth (who is also miraculously pregnant in old age) to tell of the news. Before she can even muster up the strength to share that the impossible is at work within her, the miracle baby inside of Elizabeth responds. The baby leaps for joy, and Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit…for the Messiah is in the room. Can you imagine the scene? Terrified Mary trying to comprehend the miraculous is met with great joy and celebration in the mundane moment of sharing the news with her family.
What a beautiful reminder that even the everyday, mundane things we experience around this time of year such as visiting family or getting to share exciting news with loved ones can be met with such great joy as we are reminded of the miraculous gift of our Jesus.
This Christmas season, you might be living in the joy of an answered prayer. Maybe you even know the joy of sharing good news.
Or maybe you know the shock of weighty news and joy feels far. I imagine that Mary may have felt lonely when first given the news that would quite literally change everything.
Joy meets her when the baby leaps within Elizabeth, for the Messiah is here.
Fight to find joy this Christmas because the Messiah is here. Maybe the rooms you find yourself in this Christmas season are far from joyful. Your office at work, or your empty one bedroom apartment, or your childhood home filled with lost memories might bring stress, sadness, and disappointment. Friend, whatever room you find yourself in this Christmas, whatever mundane moment, be reminded of the miraculous news of Immanuel. Find yourself in the presence of God. Allow the truth that He is in the room to meet you and fill you with the fullness of joy.
- Baylee Dulmage