


In January 2019, God gave us the vision of launching a church in the Sandy Springs area called Elevate City Church. This vision was birthed out of an unshakeable passion to reach the millennial generation and generations to come. To introduce this generation to a wave of Jesus culture that would wake the world to the greatness of Jesus Christ.

2019 had no clue what 2020 would have in store. The obstacles have been unbelievable, but not too big for our unstoppable God.

Elevate City launched on October 4, 2020 at The Springs Cinema & Taphouse in Sandy Springs, GA.

Planted in a pandemic. Established in exile. Elevate City is built different. We are people of a defiant faith. We choose faith over fear and we choose Jesus over everything.

2000 years ago, a small group of people turned the world upside down in Jesus name.

We are here to do it again.

We are for the forgotten & the follower. For the wanderer & the worshiper. For the doubter & the disciple. For a generation & generations to come. For Jesus & His name elevated forevermore.

Join us at our NEW HOME! Sunday’s at 9 & 11am at 7770 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 or LIVE ONLINE.

We believe this is the church you have been waiting for. We hope to see you this Sunday!

Why Sandy Springs and why another Church? 

In 2017, Forbes Magazine ranked Sandy Springs, GA the number 10 city nationally for millennials to live. Millennials (born 1981-1996) now represent the largest population in the American workforce. By the year 2025, 75% of the American workforce will be millennial. (Which means that somehow we found a way—miraculously—to climb out of our parents’ basements and got jobs).

Sandy Springs is one of the top 3​0 fastest growing cities in America.​It is the fastest growing city in all of Georgia. Surpassing Atlanta as well. The Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell region is ​the ninth most populous metro area in the nation​ and it experienced the third largest growth over the last two years, a new census report shows. Sandy Springs also has one of the ​highest ratios of Fortune 500 companies per capita in the U.S.​, including the worldwide headquarters for UPS and Newell Rubbermaid.

The millennial generation is who drew us to this city but we are for all generations. No matter your age, stage, or phase of life. We are FOR you.


  • We exist to elevate the name of Jesus.

    We are a Jesus church and a Jesus people–passionately living out His mission. We study the Bible, share the Gospel, pray bold prayers, and rely completely on Jesus’ saving grace. We are determined, brave, and courageous and we won’t stop until the name of Jesus is elevated over everything for everyone.

    (Colossians 1:15-20)

  • We fight for relationship.

    When pressed by a lawyer, Jesus said the most important aspect of life is to love God and love people with all you’ve got. In today’s fast-paced culture of isolation and division we passionately believe relationship with God and people are SO worth fighting for. Welcome to what life is truly all about!

    (Matthew 22:34-40)

  • We give our best.

    Jesus is our passion, obsession and motivation. Because Christ gave his all on Calvary, we give our best everyday. We believe the church should be a beautiful expression of its people. We have been gifted to give, wired for work, and saved to serve. We don’t just go to church, we are the church!

    (1 Peter 4:7-11)

  • We courageously go.

    Jesus didn’t leave his followers with a religion, he left them with a mission. Our mission is to spread this Jesus movement everywhere we go and to the ends of the earth. Driven by discipleship we live everyday, everywhere, on mission. We are the light in the darkness.

    (Matthew 28:18-20)

What kind of church is this?

  • We are a Jesus-church, a Jesus-people, trying to tell everyone the Jesus-story.

    For us, everything is secondary to Jesus. We elevate Jesus’ name, live life Jesus’ way, and won’t stop until Jesus’ fame is over everything!

  • We believe life without love is just a bunch of noise! We unapologetically love ALL people. No matter what your life has been up to this moment, YOU have a place at this table, and we will do everything we can to pull up your chair.

  • We have a bias towards action. Getting gritty is our go-to. If it means digging holes in roofs to get people to Jesus, we will do it! If you want a casual walk with Jesus, keep on looking. If you want to step into the journey of a lifetime, look no further.

  • Discipleship is our drive. Our model is Jesus’ model: Equip people to become unleashed in their calling. The curtain may close on the show, but tools for transformation never retire. Our method is to multiply disciple making machines. We grow deep to go wide.

  • You see what we did there!? We don’t play games when it comes to fun…dang it, we did it again! We don’t take ourselves too seriously around here…but we take Jesus coming for life and life to the full as seriously as possible, and we believe fun is a big part of that life!

  • We don’t believe the YOUTH are the church of tomorrow, we believe they are the church of today! Your kids and students matter here. We will do everything possible to help them fall in love with church and lead the way in the kingdom.

  • We>Me is our mentality. No Mavericks fly in this airspace. We believe collaboration fuels creativity. Everyone contributes and we all have a voice. If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together. We clear our bench and everyone plays!

  • Freely we have received. Freely we give. The generosity of grace compels us to unfold our lives (and our bank accounts) for the good of others. There is no higher honor than being gifted to give. For us, giving is always a go.

  • Plastic belongs in the garbage. We are real people, who talk about real issues, in real ways. We tackle stuff that matters but never compromise the truth of God’s word. Culture, sin, and hot topics don’t intimidate us. The reality of the resurrection fuels a dangerously bold faith!

  • We have been given the greatest news on planet earth! We are pretty jacked up about it! Our songs are loud, our joy is evident, and our convictions are uncontrollable. You might not know if you agree, but you will have no doubt that we are smoking what we are selling.

X Multiply is our 10 year vision to ignite a disciple making movement that changes the world.

  • We pray that in 2033 this can be said of our Church:

    To know Jesus, follow Jesus, & lead others to do the same is our greatest passion.

    In eager anticipation of the 2000-year anniversary of the Great Commission, we’ve multiplied.

    We’ve become a non-stop house of prayer who truly believes His presence is better than life.

    We’ve ignited a disciple-making movement with a culture of deep, spiritual formation across every life stage that’s full of grace and truth. “Who’s your 3” is now common language.

    Our cities have heard about the beauty of Jesus, as evidenced by the 344,869 bold gospel conversations.

    We’ve celebrated 365 baptisms every year, as Jesus adds to our number day-by-day those who are being saved.

    Fully dependent on the Spirit of Jesus, darkness is pushed back, and the Kingdom of Light is advancing. People are being loved, the poor are being served, and the prisoners are being set free in Jesus’ name.

    We’ve gone to the nations. We’ve engaged 5 unreached people groups, planted 5 international churches, and sent 100 mission trips around the world.

    We’ve impacted the NowGen with over 100,000 kids & students experiencing Jesus at camp.

    We’ve equipped the saints for ministry with over 100 future leaders trained through our Leadership Development Program.

    We’ve become a movement of 10 campuses/church plants that are Jesus-centered, discipleship-driven, and transformation-focused houses of worship.

    And we’ve generously given whatever it takes to see Jesus' Great Commission realized and to live into a story way bigger than ourselves.

    We have songs that tell our story, some scars from the journey, but so much joy in our hearts because we know Jesus is infinitely worth it.


We see a Jesus church. A church captivated by His scandalous grace, compelled by the passion of His cross, and centered on His Kingdom culture.

We see a church beyond what the world can imagine. A church whose radical growth can only be explained by the promise that Jesus builds His church and the gates of hell can’t stop it.

We see a church that challenges the conventional idea of "church.” We see an everyday kind of church. A church that knows breakthrough happens on Sundays but movements start on Mondays. We see a church full of everyday people equipped with the message of the gospel and the weapons of grace to bring hope to a generation.

We see a church that starts a new wave of Jesus-centered discipleship. A church that opens people's eyes to a countercultural way of Jesus following that feels first century.

We see a church of defiant faith. A church that believes in miracles, follows the Spirit, is ready for revival and doesn’t think anyone is too far gone. We see a church full of dreamers, pioneers, explorers, people on a rescue mission to reach a searching generation.

We see a church whose influence knows no end.

We see a church where relationships are fought for and injustice is fought against. A church where loneliness is forgotten and isolation is eradicated. A church where we chase after the one until there is no one. A church where people feel like “Loved” is their middle name.

We see a church devoted to raising up a generation of dangerous Jesus followers. A church where the youth aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow but the influencers of today.

We see a church marked by courage and dependent on the Spirit of Jesus. A church who is running into places people are running out of. A church who bleeds boldness and leaves transformation wherever we go.

We see a church full of passionate participants and sacrificial givers. A church whose worship shows that the worth of Jesus is unrivaled. A church who holds nothing back but gives their all because all has been given to them, in Jesus.

We see a church built on prayer. A church who prays believing in the reality of heaven colliding with earth. We see a church who unapologetically stands on the Scriptures and fiercely believes God’s word breathes life into dry bones.

We see a church that preaches, sings, sends, and lives in the reality that there is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved. A church whose obsession, passion, and devotion is Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus and His name elevated forevermore.

We see this as our church. And we pray you see it too.

- Joey & Kayla McLaughlin

We believe that we have the greatest staff in the world. And we’d love to meet you.